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The Great Liners - Episode 13: The Queen Mary

The Great Liners - Episode 13: The Queen Mary

Ref: SB1013D



At last, using very rare archive film most of which has not been seen publicly before , you can now step back in time to an age when our nation had pride in its achievements, and experience just what it was like to have sailed aboard the world's most famous ocean liner, - Feel the excitement as you arrive in Southampton to join her for her maiden voyage and a little later, on the voyage she captured the prized Blue Riband for Cunard White Star and for a whole rejoicing nation.

We are able to examine her workings from top to bottom, the bridge decks, public rooms, restaurants, crews mess, radio rooms, Pursers office, hospital, printing shop,telephone exchange, passenger accommodation and we even manage to go deep down inside her cavernous engine room while crossing the Atlantic at speed. We sail with her on her maiden voyage as if actually there in person, experiencing for ourselves the unequalled spectacle and excitement of her sailing from Southampton (ships filled the Solent to salute her famous departure. Over a million people lined the shores from Southampton to Lands End trying to get a glimpse of her. Then her arrival in New York, a celebration unrivalled in maritime history. Finally we sail with her as she captured the prized "Blue Riband" for the nation.

Sadly, there will never be another great ocean liner quite like the "Queen Mary" and there will never be another video made about her to equal the content and quality of this one. This video doesn't contain any still pictures - footage of her in California today - or unnecessary interviews, only sensational, rare archive film, all shot professionally on 16mm film during her undisputed heyday as the Queen of the North Atlantic.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 14: Tankers

The Great Liners - Episode 14: Tankers

Ref: SB1014D



Not the most romantic of titles but this video is truly superb. Using extremely rare archive film it takes you right back to 1861 when the story of sea-going tankers first began. Using only moving images the video tells the story of the Tanker and how it evolved from frail sailing ships to the giants of today. It shows some of the very earliest motorised tankers berthing and sailing from the Persian Gulf during the early part of the last century and in wartime service. We then join the crews aboard four tankers operated by Shell, BP and Esso during the 1940s/70s and sail with them, often through mountainous storms on their voyages around the world.

The crews of these ships had little idea when they would return home again, often receiving fresh sailing instructions while at sea. One ship we join has already been away when it receives the great news that she's to sail for the UK and home.

The video takes you above and below decks, allowing you to experience just what it was like to have gone to sea on those ships from the small vessels that first pioneered the tanker revolution at the turn of the last century, through to the ocean-going leviathans of today.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 15: The Great Port of Southampton

The Great Liners - Episode 15: The Great Port of Southampton

Ref: SB1015D



So many people have contributed rare archive film, most of which has never been made public before, to enable us to make this DVD which we believe does justice to Southampton, the United Kingdom's premier passenger port.

We go right back to the turn of the last century and follow the story ofthe port through its truly glorious years when every berth was taken by the world's most famous liners, their magnificent funnels towering over all. The superb archive film in this production actually allows us to also join a German liner for a cruise to North Africa in 1938 and to cross the Atlantic aboard one of the world's truly great liners, the magnificent "Normandie".

There are so many rare ships in this DVD, big ones, small ones, coasters, cargo ships, tugs, ferries all sights we never thought we would ever see again. We look at Southampton through the war years and through its many ups and downs right up to the present time and how the great ships have returned to make it one of the world's busiest ports once again.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 16: A 100 Years of P&O part 1

The Great Liners - Episode 16: A 100 Years of P&O part 1

Ref: SB1016D



Made in two 59-min parts as episodes 16 & 17 in this remarkable DVD series, "A Hundred Years of P&O" takes a unique look at this most famous of British Shipping Companies.

Part one starts aboard the impressive Aurora of today as she takes some 2,000 passengers on a Mediterranean cruise. Then using only unique, rare archive film, most of which has never been seen before, we magically step back in time to the turn of the last century. The era when, under the stewardships of one of their most inspirational Chairmen, Lord Inchcape, P&O became one of the greatest names ever in the international maritime arena.

We see and sail aboard such magnificent ships as the Mooltan - Moloja ­ Mongolia - Ranpura - Viceroy of India - Orion - Ormonde - Corfu - Canton - Maida, and Strathmore. We look at the losses suffered by P&O and its associated companies during World War 2 and the post-war replacement programme, with early voyages aboard Orcades, Chusan and the cargo passenger ship Sural. A truly remarkable production.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59-min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 17: A 100 Years of P&O part 2

The Great Liners - Episode 17: A 100 Years of P&O part 2

Ref: SB1017D



In this part two of "100 Years of P & O", we follow the development of the P &0 fleet after World War II with the introduction of new breeds of passenger and cargo ships.

Using more rare archive film which has been carefully restored, we once again travel back in time to see, and sail aboard, such great ships as the Carthage - Stratheden - Straithard - Strathnaver - Oronsay - Orsova - Iberia - Himalaya - Arcadia - Chitral and Sea Princess. We also witness the emotional last sailing of those two grand old ladies of the sea, the Otranto and the Orontes.

Then, turning to the 1950's and to what many people consider to be the last of the great days ofthe British Shipping Industry, we witness the birth, building and launching of the two biggest and fastest liners ever to sail the Australian route. Orient Line's magnificent Oriana and P&O's Canberra. With the help of more rare footage we show what it was like to have worked and sailed aboard these two great ships.

We also show Canberra's famous return to Southampton from the Falklands War and her final arrival into Southampton. We also take a look at some of the ships operated by other famous shipping Companies in the P&O Group. Federal Steam - British India - Coast Lines - Strick Lines -Union Steam -NZ Co - as well as sail aboard dry cargo ships operated by P&O itself such as the Perin - Dongola - Aden - Patonga- Bendigo, and Trident Tankers Ardshiel.

As the programme becomes closer to present times we look at the many ships that once served in P&O's famous Strath cargo services. As this magnificent maritime panorama draws to a close, we look at other famous Companies and their ships that are part of the P&O Group today including: North Sea Ferries - P&O Stena - Princess Cruises, and finally the great liners of P&O Princess Cruises today. Another remarkable maritime DVD treat.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 18: Ships to New Zealand Part 1 - Preparing to Sail

The Great Liners - Episode 18: Ships to New Zealand Part 1 - Preparing to Sail

Ref: SB1018D



We follow the ships around the busy UK ports as they discharge and load their cargoes. With the use of more rare film we take a look at some of the sea training schools and follow the boys as they go down to the docks to join their very first ships. Then it's that magical moment when the tugs come alongside, mooring lines are cast free, whistles blow and the ships set sail on their voyages all around the world.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 19: Ships to New Zealand Part 2 - Outward-bound

The Great Liners - Episode 19: Ships to New Zealand Part 2 - Outward-bound

Ref: SB1019D



Continuing for the previous episode, we join the ships at sea and actually sail aboard them on their voyages as they battle through fierce

storms in the Atlantic and Bay of Biscay. We sail both easterly via Suez and westerly through the Panama Canal on voyages across the

globe, stopping at so many fascinating ports, enabling us to see just what it was like to have gone away to sea during those wonderful

maritime days.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 20: Ships to New Zealand Part 3 - The Ports of New Zealand

The Great Liners - Episode 20: Ships to New Zealand Part 3 - The Ports of New Zealand

Ref: SB1020D



With the use of more archive film, some dating back right to the turn of the last century showing us so much of our maritime past including ships being wrecked in horrendous storms, we continue from episode 19 joining the ships as they approach their final outward destinations such as Australia and New Zealand. Then, almost as if we're there in person, we sail around the coastal ports discharging and loading cargoes. We also manage to follow the crews as they wander down the gangways and head ashore to enjoy the golden beaches and ... the local women and beer!

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 21: Ships to New Zealand Part 4 - Loading for Home

The Great Liners - Episode 21: Ships to New Zealand Part 4 - Loading for Home

Ref: SB1021D



As the ships continue around the ports loading their cargo for home, we join yet more outward bound ships operated by such famous names as Shaw Savill, Port Line, NZSCo, Blue Star, Ellerman Lines and Federal Steam. We also sail on the MANZ run between the UK, North America, New Zealand and Australia and follow the crews as they go ashore in such exciting place as New York.

Then it's back out to sea again, experiencing life aboard both above and below decks, through blue calm tropical oceans to raging storms. There is so much rare film to be seen in these marvellous DVDs and they really are very special indeed, giving us a wonderful 'moving image record' of the heyday of shipping.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Written by: Des Cox
First published on DVD: 2000
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 63-mins (1hr 3min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 22: Ships to New Zealand Part 5 - Homeward-Bound

The Great Liners - Episode 22: Ships to New Zealand Part 5 - Homeward-Bound

Ref: SB1022D



The last of the cargoes are loaded, excited passengers are boarding and the ships are finally ready for their long voyages home. What a wonderful sight each sailing makes, but little is more emotional than witnessing one of the wonderful old ships setting sail for the very last time.

Most of the film used in this programme is dated 1950s/60s, which was an age of great change in our maritime history. New ships of super modem designs were coming into service, ships like the "Southern Cross" and her sister the "Northern Star". We take an in-depth look at these new ships and at the same time, rather sadly, we sail aboard those older ships on their final voyages ... very moving

Availability: AVAILABLE
Written by: Des Cox
First published on DVD: 2002
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 23: The End of the Line

The Great Liners - Episode 23: The End of the Line

Ref: SB1023D



There are so many ships to be seen in this specially extended production, as we tell the story of the final days ofthe once great British Merchant Navy and Shipping Industry.

We follow the voyages of the ships belonging to many of the once great Shipping Companies, as they make their wayhome, many for the very last time, many having been away for as long as two years, on voyages that have taken them all around the world, from the frozen ports of North America in mid-winter to the Panama Canal and the warm waters of the Southern Oceans, calling at New Zealand and Australia before turning North for the Far East, Africa, Suez and the Mediterranean.

We show the ships both above and below decks and experience the many emotions felt by their crews as they sail closer to home and their loved ones. We also sail with them through some ofthe most spectacular and frightening storms ever captured on film. We also ask the question; how could we have gone from having the greatest merchant fleet in the world to almost nothing?

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 24: A Voyage of Maritime Memories to South America

The Great Liners - Episode 24: A Voyage of Maritime Memories to South America

Ref: SB1024D



We have had many, many requests to produce this programme, so join us aboard the good ship 'Discovery' as we embark on a unique voyage of Maritime Memories. Built in 1972 and formerly the 'Island Princess', the 20,000 gross tons 'Discovery' with her traditional design and wide-open decks is the perfect ship for these wonderful voyages, so come with us as we hoist the old shipping company house-flags and set sail from Lisbon on a voyage of excitement and adventure all the way to South America.

In order to try to make this experience feel as natural as possible, we have for once dispensed with our traditional

narration, allowing us to enjoy without interruption the whole of the voyage, joining the ship's Captain on the bridge as we s

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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