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The Great Liners - Episode 1: P&O & Orient

The Great Liners - Episode  1: P&O & Orient

Ref: SB1001D



From the archives of the two great shipping lines - The Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and the Orient Line - comes this unique record of their most famous eight great liners sailing around the world between the 1940's & 1970's: Orcades, Orsova, Oronsay, Oriana, Chusan, Himalaya, Arcadie, & Canberra.

We see just what it was like to have been a passenger or crew member aboard those majestic liners as they sailed from Tilbury and Southampton to the Far East via Suez, to Australia and New Zealand, across the Pacific Ocean to the USA and Alaska before navigating the Panama Canal and the Atlantic Ocean during the heyday of shipping in a style and pace that sadly will never return.

This is a treasury for those who served and sailed on the Great Liners.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 55-mins (0h 55min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 2: Union Castle to the Cape

The Great Liners - Episode  2: Union Castle to the Cape

Ref: SB1002D



To make this video possible many ex-personnel from Union Castle have helped producer, Des Cox, access this rare archive material. It has been carefully renovated and restored where possible to almost original condition.

Every Thursday at exactly 1600 hrs, one of the great Union-Castle liners would sail from Southampton on the mail-run to Capetown. Now once again from the 1940s to the 1970s we can step aboard and sail on such beautiful lavender hulled liners such as Edinburgh Castle, Pendennis Castle, Windsor Castle, Transvaal Castle and Reina del Mar, with passing shots of the Pretoria Castle and many more as they make their way back and forth from Europe to South Africa and the Cape.

The volume also includes film of the ships being built and launched as well as spectacular passing sea shots of other ships in the fleet (a speciality of Union Castle) and the very emotional final sailing of Windsor Castle from Capetown.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0hr 58min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 3: Cargo Liners of the World

The Great Liners - Episode  3: Cargo Liners of the World

Ref: SB1003D



It's a difficult enough task trying to find rare archive film of what were the world's most celebrated passenger liners, but to find film of of the thousands of smaller, beautiful cargo liners is almost impossible!

In this episode we actually manage to sail around the world aboard ships of The New Zealand and Federal Steam Ship Company, sailing from London and Liverpool in the 1950's for Australia and New Zealand via Suez. As we cross the oceans so we pass many familiar ships all flying the Red Ensign. How exciting to be aboard real working ships - on the bridge - down the engine room - painting the decks - in the galleys, and to visit those small ports all around the New Zealand coast to discharge and load cargo.

Then homeward bound via Pitcairn Island, Panama and Curacao and out into the most exciting Atlantic storms ever to have been captured on film. After being away from home for over six months, there is a severe attack of the "Channels" as the Liverpool Pilot boards to take them safely into the Mersey and up the very busy Manchester Ship Canal.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 57-mins (0hr 57min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 4: The Great Cunarders

The Great Liners - Episode  4: The Great Cunarders

Ref: SB1004D



When Cunard and White Star lines merged in the mid 1930's they formed one of the greatest shipping companies in maritime history. The amazing archive film in this DVD enables us to see and sail aboard some of the ships that made the company a household name, ships that were legends in their time, their every sailing and arrival in such ports as Southampton, Liverpool, London, New York, Cherbourg and Montreal etc., being almost a national event: Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Caronia, Franconia, Carmania, Mauretania, Aquitania, and many more from the 1930s to the more recent QE2.

Experience the excitement of boarding the Cunard boat­train at Waterloo station in the late 1940s, journeying down to Southampton to join the glorious Queen Elizabeth on another thrilling voyage to New York. We show the ship from top to bottom in full colour and sample the unrivalled opulence these great liners offered their very special passengers. In mid-Atlantic she passes her sister the Queen Mary and nothing can quite equal the breathtaking site of the two great Queens passing each other at a combined speed in excess of 70mph, sounding their sirens in an unrivalled nautical salute.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 5: The Blue Water Liners of Shaw Savill and Royal Mail Lines

The Great Liners - Episode  5: The Blue Water Liners of Shaw Savill and Royal Mail Lines

Ref: SB1005D



Between the 1930?s and 1970?s ports were so full of life - of barges and tugs, trains and cranes, dockers and ships of every shape and size.

In this special 70 minute episode we pay tribute to two more of the world's most famous shipping companies - Shaw Savill and Royal Mail. We join Royal Mail's famous old Highland boats as they journey up the Thames to London's Royal Docks after voyaging to South America, sail from Southampton on the handsome Andes in the early 1940s as she departs for South America and later, on a Caribbean cruise. The Amazon was one of the last great liners to have sailed with Royal Mail. We join her on her maiden voyage to South America and experience the tremendous reception she was given there.

Shaw Savill had a reputation for being at the forefront of ship building design, in this episode we visit some of the UK's most famous shipyards and witness the construction and launching of the Dominion Monarch, Southern Cross and Northern Star. We join them whilst being fitted-out and on their sea-trials before sailing with them on their voyages around the world. We also join the Gothic on her Royal Tour of 1953 and sail from Wellington aboard her sister ship the Ceramic.

Availability: AVAILABLE
First published on DVD: 1994 in VHS, 2003 on DVD
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 70-mins (1hr 10min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 6: East of Suez - The British India Line

The Great Liners - Episode  6: East of Suez - The British India Line

Ref: SB1006D



In this episode we take a look at the ships and people of the British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. This London-based Company retained an enormous network of passenger and cargo ships serving even the smallest ports east of Suez. British India was always the quiet member of the shipping world, shunning the spotlight so eagerly sought by the more glamorous, high profile Atlantic liners, but she was a very special company and millions of people all over the world fondly remember her classic ships, special service and often obscure ports which she so faithfully served.

In this episode, with the use of very rare film, we take you right back to the early 1920s to sail from London's Royal Docks aboard the old SS Maida on a long voyage east. We also sail aboard the Dunera, Rajula, Chantala, Nevasa, Kenya, Uganda as well as seeing the construction, launching and sea-trials of the Waroonga.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0hr 58min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 7: Around the Cape - Ellerman Lines & Union Castle

The Great Liners - Episode  7: Around the Cape - Ellerman Lines & Union Castle

Ref: SB1007D



A look at two of the world's greatest shipping companies - Ellerman Lines & Union Castle.

We sail aboard some of the ships that once serviced Union-Castle's intermediate services out of London: "Kenya Castle" - "Rhodesia Castle" and the "Braemar Castle", on their fascinating voyages through Suez and all around Africa. As well as seeing all the old ports just as they used to be, this episode also contains spectacular passing sea shots as other great Union-Castle liners steam past breathtakingly close, sounding their sirens to the great excitement of all aboard.

We also take a look at one of the Union-Castle's greatest rivals, Ellerman Lines, and sail aboard two of their most majestic liners, the "City of Durban" and the "City of Port Elizabeth" as well as aboard some of their handsome cargo ships on voyages around the world.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0h 58min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 8: Echoes of the Mersey

The Great Liners - Episode  8: Echoes of the Mersey

Ref: SB1008D



There is hardly a family in or around the Mersey that wasn't involved with shipping in one way or another in the past

Here we recreating those halcyon days from the early 1900s to the 1960s when Merseyside was one of the busiest and most vibrant centres of shipping in the world. There are the ships of Cunard - White Star- Canadian Pacific- Harrison - Blue Funnel- PSNC - Elder Dempster -

Lamport & Holt - Palm Line - Bibby Line - Anchor Line to mention but a few, plus a myriad of small coasters tugs and other river craft that once helped to make the Mersey such an exciting place to be.

We also sail in a wartime convoy aboard the Duchess of Richmond & Empress of Canada and on voyages aboard the Lancastria, Britannic and others.

However, nothing can quite prepare you for the unique moving picture/sound experience of the the final departure of the ill-fated Lusitania sailing from New York in 1915, sounding her mighty sirens for what was to be the last time - this has never been made available to the public before.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0hr 58min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 9: Mersey Bound

The Great Liners - Episode  9: Mersey Bound

Ref: SB1009D



Following on from episode 8, we go back to the 1950s/60s when just about every available berth in Merseyside was crammed with ships of every shape and size, sailing to every far comer of the world. During those halcyon days as many as a hundred ships would arrive on any given day.

In this episode we are able to take you back to those days and on voyages aboard ships that served some of the Mersey's most famous shipping companies. To the Caribbean and Central America with Harrison Line - to the Far East with Brocklebank and Blue Funnel - and to West Africa with Palm Line and Elder Dempster Lines.

Look out for examples of great seamanship, especially the "Ikeja Palm" navigating some of the most dangerous seaways and estuaries in the world including the River Niger in the days when the average cargo ship carried a crew of over 50-all fully trained.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0hr 58min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 10: Ports & Bens - The Port Line & The Ben LIne

The Great Liners - Episode 10: Ports & Bens - The Port Line & The Ben LIne

Ref: SB1010D



In this episode we feature some of the magnificent ships of Port Line and Ben Line. One ofthe most vivid memories any visitor to a big seaport during the middle of the last century has, is that of aII the ships lining the quays for as far as the eyes could see. For young crew members about to join their very first ship, this was nearly always a very intimidating moment. Fresh out of sea training school, these young boys with precious little experience of the outside world often didn't know whether to continue with their rather frightening, overawing journey into the strange world of the docks, or just turn around and catch the nearest bus or train back to the relative safety of their homes!

Here we take a look at some of the sea training schools that once used to be dotted around the UK, and experience just what it was like to have been one of those young boys, leaving their families and loved ones to go away to sea for the very first time.

Often those young boys had little knowledge of the ship they were joining or where it was going - those were the days when a trip to the nearest seaside was a major occasion let alone a voyage to the other side of the world! It might be their ship was going on a short voyage to the continent or, it could easily be an old tramp-ship about to go away on a two-year voyage to goodness knows where! If they were really lucky they would join a ship belonging to one of the nation's most respected shipping companies. In this episode we sail with these young boys aboard the handsome ships of Port Line and the Ben Line on voyages all over the world.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 11: The Great Port of London

The Great Liners - Episode 11: The Great Port of London

Ref: SB1011D



There was a time when a seagull could have flown for eleven miles up river & never left London's docklands. In this remarkable episode, with the use of very rare archive film, producer Des Cox takes us back to those most memorable days where giant warehouse stood on what is now office blocks and luxury apartments when as many as 60,000 ships used the port every year and thousands of people were employed to tend them. 1,500 turning cranes swung the many different cargoes to and from the many quays. where the ships lay at rest, their floodlit funnels reaching beckoningly through the heavy darkness of a cold winter's morn.

There were Blue Stars - Federals - Union Castle Rangi boats - Blue Flues - Port Boats - British India - Glen Line - Ben Line - P & O - Cunard - Shaw Savill - Royal Mail - Ellerman Lines - Furness Withy - Harrisons and many more, all lined up as far as the eye can see. A heavy fusion of malty cargo and industrial smells, so uniquely characteristic of that London Dockland scene, lay thickly on the air of that very special world, an almost secret world, a world that, once, it seemed could never end.

Here we bring it all back in graphic reality and serves as a lasting historical document and tribute to all those people and ships that once made the Port of London, the greatest seaport in the world.

Availability: AVAILABLE
First published on DVD: 1999
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 60-mins (1hr 0min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 12: From Broadway to Bermuda

The Great Liners - Episode 12: From Broadway to Bermuda

Ref: SB1012D


In this episode we give an insight into the Furness Withy Group, once one of the largest shipping organizations in the world. Starting from very modest beginnings in Hartlepool in the late 1890s, Furness Withy grew to become one of the most successful Shipping Organizations in the world, operating over 1500 ships in their time.

Using very rare archive film we take you to sea aboard some of the cargo ships that once flew the Furness Withy and Price Line colours with pride: "Newfoundland" - "Pacific Reliance" - "Egyptian Prince" - "Tudor Prince" - and the "Stuart Prince". There is a one of the best storm sequences on film with Newfoundland as it battles its way across the North Atlantic in a mid-winter hell (You had to be there to know just what it was really like!)

The second half of the video takes us right back to the 1920s to the Furness Bermuda Line, and the ships they operated from New York to Bermuda on what was once the most successful passenger liner route of all time. The marvelous old archive film, much of which the producers restored literally frame by frame, takes us right back to the founding of this service and on voyages aboard such famous liners as the "Bermuda", "Monarch of Bermuda", "Queen of Bermuda" and the "Ocean Monarch". When designed and built, these ships were amongst the most luxurious and technically advanced in the world and greatly prized by both their passengers and crews.

We also get a short glimpse of the "Monarch of Bermuda" in her later life when she served on the Australian emigrant trade as Shaw Savills "New Australia" Regardless of your nautical background, this video is a must, showing you a life at sea which has now long gone and sadly, will never return again. - Tremendous.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 58-mins (0h 58min)

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