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The Great Liners - Episode 25: The Great Port of Bristol

The Great Liners - Episode 25: The Great Port of Bristol

Ref: SB1025D



In the making of this series we get so many requests to show film ofthe smaller ships that once used to be so much a part of our Merchant Navy and in this unique production we can actually show those ships along with remarkable scenes of The Great Port of Bristol in its heyday.

We show Bristol City and Avonmouth as they are today and then as they were during the heyday of shipping, when every available berth was absolutely crammed with ships of every shape and size. I wonder what people today will make of this rare film showing the ports in the days when they employed hundreds of people in the dockside offices and aboard the ships that were once frequent visitors to those ports.

I never dared believe that such a production as this would ever be possible, but here it is, so make yourself comfortable, sit back and enjoy ajourney back in time to the turn of the last century and to the golden age of shipping.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 59-mins (0hr 59min)

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The Great Liners - Episode 26: The Great Port of Liverpool Part 1

The Great Liners - Episode 26: The Great Port of Liverpool Part 1

Ref: SB1026D



At last we can start to show you the real magic of the Port of Liverpool as it was during its heyday; a time when it was one of the busiest and most famous maritime ports in the whole world. The whole port was full of constant activity as ships that served every comer of the world filled every available berth.

For many of the ships featured in this unique production, Liverpool was their home port- Blue Funnel, Elder Dempster, Lamport & Holt, Canadian Pacific and so on, but there is also rare footage of overseas registered ships that were also frequent visitors to this great port as well as other craft

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 27: The Great Port of Liverpool Part 2

The Great Liners - Episode 27: The Great Port of Liverpool Part 2

Ref: SB1027D



With more very rare film we continue our visitto the great port of Liverpool, showing just what it was really like during its heyday with ships of every shape and size, berthed for as far as the eye could see. The port was so crowded that on the tide, ships could be seen sailing in and out, two or three abreast. Yes, those were truly wonderful days and just to make it completely realistic, we've recreated all the sounds so that they are exactly as they would have been back in those busy Port of Liverpool days. If you like, you can even close your eyes and just listen to those sounds ... whistles blowing, trains steaming up and down the busy quay-sides, cranes perfonningtheir own special ballet as they swung the cargoes on and off the ships ... magic.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 28: Ships to Manchester

The Great Liners - Episode 28: Ships to Manchester

Ref: SB1028D



The Manchester Ship Canal was once one ofthe busiest waterways in the world. This DVD takes us back to those days as we follow ship after ship transiting the canal. There were over 100,000 people working in and around the docks, with 1 OOOs more working in the various ship support industries; it really was a magnificent maritime world and this amazing DVD will show you just what it was like to have been part of that great maritime spectacle including ships operated by Harrison Line, Clan Line, Brocklebank, Manchester Liners, Lykes Lines, Prince Line, Furness Withy to name but just a few, as we watch them making their way through the myriad of locks and bridges as they sailed in and out of Manchester.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 29: The Matson Line

The Great Liners - Episode 29: The Matson Line

Ref: SB1029D



The great white liners of Matson Line were once a regular sighting on America's West Coast as they carried the rich and famous to and from Hawaii and on luxury cruises across the Pacific to New Zealand and Australia during the golden age of ocean travel, taking with them the cream of American society including such Hollywood legends as: Clark Gable, Bette Davis, Dorothy Lamour, and Alan Ladd. Carol Lombard, Mary Pickford, Mickey Rooney, Jimmy Stewart and Shirley Temple.

This DVD will be appreciated by everyone, especially those fortunate enough to have sailed aboard those great ships. We've also been able to include rare film of their magnificent cargo ships, operating a service around the whole of the States, but there are few maritime sights more striking than that of a great Matson Liner setting sail from America's West Coast, ... Amazing!

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 30: The Great Port of Manchester

The Great Liners - Episode 30: The Great Port of Manchester

Ref: SB1030D



If you go down to the waterside in the City of Manchester today, there is little to remind us that it was once one of the world's great sea-ports. The towering rows of luxury apartments, posh offices and high-class restaurants that line the sides of the old quaysides today were; not so very many years ago, home instead to rows and rows of towering cranes and magnificent ships.

Now, thanks to the discovery of more, rare archive film, we can take you back in time to show just what it was like to have lived in those special days and to have been part of The Great Port of Manchester. Back to an age when hundreds of ships sailed in and out of the port every year, carrying the vital raw materials for Britain's industries and then taking our many exports back out to sea, to every far corner of the globe.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 31: Compilation Part 1

The Great Liners - Episode 31: Compilation Part 1

Ref: SB1031D



The film clips featured in this remarkable DVD have all been carefully selected by maritime experts, from Snowbow's widely acclaimed

DVD production, "The Great Liners". There are now over 30 episodes in this remarkable series and the extracts featured on this DVD have been chosen to give a good representation of British shipping back in those halcyon days.

There has never been such an amazing collection maritime film released like this before and there is hardly anything on television today that can equal this DVD for sheer entertainment pleasure; it really is something very special. So, pour yourself a drink, put this DVD on, sit back into your favourite armchair, press the start button and just let yourself drift offinto a world we never thought we would ever see again.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 32: Compilation Part 2

The Great Liners - Episode 32: Compilation Part 2

Ref: SB1032D



The tracks on this second compilation DVD have been carefully chosen from Snowbow's highly acclaimed DVD series, "The Great

Liners", by a panel of maritime experts, to give you an overall view of our once great shipping industry, with footage showing magnificent

scenes of London Docks when it was absolutely crammed full of ships during its heyday (We have even recreated all those dockland

sounds, just as they were, back in those very special days).

There's also a very special treat for all you engineers as well, with rare engine­room footage at sea, showing Doxford engines in all their magnificence. And if all that isn't enough for you, then why not pour yourself another little drink and sit back to enjoy wonderful footage of a transit all the way through the Panama Canal, just as it was way back in the 1950s/60s and .... just for all you real seafarers, some ofthe best storm at sea footage you are ever likely to see

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 33: The Worst Journey in the World

The Great Liners - Episode 33: The Worst Journey in the World

Ref: SB1033D



So many of you ask if we could make a programme telling the story of those notorious WW2 "Arctic Convoys", which we knew wouldn't be an easy task, but we also knew the importance of such a programme, especially to all those brave seafarers who battled through the worst imaginable conditions to get those convoys through to Russia, thereby playing a huge part in the final victory.

It was so difficult finding any film of those actual convoys, plus surviving veterans to tell their stories, but after two years hard work, we actually managed to do everything we had hoped to achieve and the end result is a remarkable TV programme that tells the story of those "Arctic Convoys" as never seen before.

It is nail-bitingly tense as you find yourselves in the thick of some of the greatest sea battles of all time, but it is also very emotional as we share the hardship, suffering and loss of life of all those brave young men that gave so much for their country ..... It was this programme that eventually convinced the doubters (including governments) that a special Arctic Convoy Medal, which helped to make all the work we did in making this unique programme even more worthwhile.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 34: From Lennigrad to St. Petersburg

The Great Liners - Episode 34: From Lennigrad to St. Petersburg

Ref: SB1034D



The first programme we made about WW2 "Arctic Convoys" was so well received and enjoyed, that we have been inundated with requests from all over the world including the Russian Government, asking for us to try to make one more, especially if we could produce it in a way that showed not only the convoys, but how the vital cargoes they carried actually got through to the front lines, without which, the chances are the allies would have lost WW2.

The Russians gave us access to previously unseen WW2 film, all of which helped us to make another remarkable programme; full of sea battles and action, and showing how those notorious WW2 "Arctic Convoys" were so important to the outcome of the war and the so called freedom we are able to enjoy today .. .it's absolutely wonderful, and just wait until you see the VIP send-off the Royal Navy gave us when we set sail from Portsmouth with some of the very last surviving WW2 convoy veterans aboard!

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 35: The Great Ships

The Great Liners - Episode 35: The Great Ships

Ref: SB1035D



This has to be one of the most remarkable maritime programmes ever made, using some ofthe rarest maritime archive film ever seen, to take you on voyages aboard three of the world's most famous ever, ocean liners.

Yes we actually take you on three trans-Atlantic crossings, firstly, in full colour, aboard the magnificent French super liner the "Normandie", the luxury and style of which, you just have to experience to believe! Then we tell the story of the "QE2" from her launch to the final voyage from Southampton, showing her life at sea as the world's premier ocean liner of her day ... fantastic!

And then, perhaps to top it all we actually take you aboard the "Titanic's" sister, the "Olympic", as she sets sail from New York for Southampton, not so long after the loss of her famous sister. You really won't believe your eyes, for this film is as close as anyone will ever get to experiencing just what it was like to have sailed aboard the "Titanic" itself!

Availability: AVAILABLE
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

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The Great Liners - Episode 36: The Great Port of London Part 2

The Great Liners - Episode 36: The Great Port of London Part 2

Ref: SB1036D



We never dared hope that we would ever be able to find more film of London, when it was the biggest and busiest port in the world, but we have, and you've just got to see it! -

As we view the many Thames docks all the way from Tower Bridge to Tilbury, there are ships lined up at every available quayside, for as far as the eye could see. There are ocean liners, ferries, cargo ships of every shape and size together with a myriad of handsome little coasters and busy, twisting, turning tugs, all coming together to create one of the most spectacular maritime shows ever seen. What wonderful, golden maritime days they were.

Availability: AVAILABLE
Written by: Des Cox
First published on DVD: 2014
Screen aspect ratio: 4:3 SD
Classification: Exempt
Number of discs: 1 DVD-R
Media Format: DVD-R

Running Time: 60-mins (1hr 0min)

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